Extra Tasks
Links and stimulus:
FB: Vivian Tr
insta: vivian__tr
Vivian video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhhDIqRL56w&list=PLONbglcflcWjvEunb61H1m9U0QxAuoiQ9&index=55
Wednesday 1st July
blog article: 'What they didn't tell me when I decided to become a dancer' by Vivian Triantafyllopoulou
Wednesday 8th July:
Clair de lune
(I have asked for copy for this section)
Wednesday 15th July:
Completed Collage and motif video!
(Then to be uploaded)
Vivian Triantafyllopoulou- Resolutions festival- Emily Robinson dance
Have you heard about Resulutions festival? It is a festival for new choreographers happening at The Place theatre each year! The pieces presented are usually around 20minutes and you get lots of feedback and professional reviews! From this video you can also get ideas of how you can make a showreel- a video of you dancing that you can send for auditions! My video is made from Jamie Buchanan, an amazing film maker and dancer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhhDIqRL56w&list=PLONbglcflcWjvEunb61H1m9U0QxAuoiQ9&index=55